Virtual workforce at your service

Avatars Intelligence
  • A deep understanding of the products and services offered and their benefits
  • Excellent listening, customer service and interaction skills
  • Presales skill-ability needs and goals
  • Motivated, solution-oriented, able to learn and adapt
  • Multilingual and available 24/7
Kestävän kehityksen konsultti
  • Expertise in liability requirement matters.
  • Terminology knowledge according to the customer’s industry and employee roles.
  • The ability to motivate and inspire employees to adopt sustainable practices.
  • Skills to explain processes and their importance on a practical level.
  • Advice on integrating sustainable development goals into daily work.

What kind of skills do you need?

Avatars Chat Ava

Microsoft for Startup Founders Hub
Aava & Bang

R. Linturi Oyj

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